Send payment to below UPI QR 


UPI QR - 6

UPI ID 6 - sharingiscaring143@axl


◉ Please send the amount to above UPI/Scanner

◉ After payment, click below and send the transaction screenshot on WhatsApp along with your toolzbuy account email address, user name & plan name and make sure the payment screenshot covers the UTR number and transaction time.

◉ After few minutes, Team will check your transcation and add subscription to your account

Please confirm your payment screenshot with the whatsapp support team listed below; it will take them 10 to 15 minutes to verify your payment and add plan.


Click Here to Send Payment Screenshot on WhatsApp

Note: The payment verification team is only available from 7:00 AM to 11:45 PM IST, so if you pay between these hours, you will have access within 20 to 30 minutes, otherwise you will have to wait until the team returns to online.

Please send payment screenshots within 3 to 4 hours, else we will not consider it.